Frequently Asked Question

How to Powerwash a Chromebook. Should be done by Media Specialist.
Last Updated 6 years ago

  1. Press Esc + Samsung Chromebook Refresh key + Power. The screen displays a yellow exclamation point (!)
  2. Press Ctrl + D to begin dev mode, then Enter. The screen displays a red exclamation point.
  3. Press Ctrl + D. The Chromebook deletes its local data, returning to its initial state. The deletion takes approximately 15 minutes.
  4. If Forced re-enrollment is enabled for the device you are attempting to wipe, you will see a note that developer mode is blocked. This shortened wipe process will still allow for re-enrollment when it automatically reboots into verified mode.
  5. When the transition completes, press the spacebar, then press Enter to return to verified mode.
  6. Enroll the Chromebook before signing in to it. (see knowledgebase for instructions)

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